A Phaeacia of My Own

A poem

Brian S. Hook
The Lark Publication


Sunset over Salamis, Greece, photo by Guillén Pérez, Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0 DEED)

Autumn is a Phaeacia of my own,
an in-between of wandering and home,
a crossroads of who I am and became,
somewhere between anonymity and fame.

Odysseus washed ashore on Phaeacia’s isle
a mess, a sodden agéd frightening pile
of a man, but nevertheless a guest.
They clothed and fed him and didn’t press

for a name. As was his cautious way he
told a tale about sailing on the sea
as a merchant. But when stories of Troy
were sung, and his grand heroic ploy

of the wooden horse, like a bride he wept
whose husband was murdered while she was kept
as a slave: so Odysseus’ sobbing
revealed him. But they knew there was something

odd about the old man, when at a youth’s taunt
he replied that he could take them all on!
Caught between being nameless and a big deal,
Odysseus cracked. It’s a wound that can’t heal.

I crack in autumn, the in-between of full
flower and abundance, and winter’s dull
mortality. I…



Brian S. Hook
The Lark Publication

Dad, classicist, mountain dweller, erstwhile triathlete, wannabe woodworker, follower of Socrates and Jesus (two famous non-writers), writing to avoid raveling