A Sky of Infinite Blue

The home we return to

Kyomi O'Connor
The Lark Publication


Photo by Tatonomusic on Unsplash

So true to my soul

I chose this as the final

to make my book whole

It’s a vision of

the universe that I saw

in meditation

At the darkest night

of the cleanest sky with light

to which we belong

Never forget home

and the memory of us

there we’ll meet again

I’ve recently elected the title of my forthcoming memoir. Out of a few candidates presented by editors, I sensed a shiny sparkle with “A Sky of Infinite Blue” that would express my stories best. Here I’ve composed a set of Haikus to express the joyous moments of choosing the book title.

Thank you Denise Larkin for publishing and hosting my Haikus on your fabulous platform, The Lark.

Thank you Dr Mehmet Yildiz Claire Kelly Tree Langdon Donna L Roberts, PhD (Psych Pstuff) Dennett Pierre Trudel Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) Michael Burg, MD (AKA Medium Michael Burg) David Rudder Dr. Preeti Singh Dr. Fatima Imam



Kyomi O'Connor
The Lark Publication

Author of memoir, A Sky of Infinite Blue, Universalist, Lifetime student, Friend, Join me my spiritual life at kyomi.substack.com and kyomioconnor.com