All That’s Left is the Subtlety

A fresh start

Adam Ray Cronk
The Lark Publication


Photo by Thibault Penin on Unsplash

Nature preaches messages not too often heard,
From a broken twig to a tattered leaf — lessons to be learned.
Pulverized and obsolete and too anemic to feel,
Cries of help fall on deafened ears surrounded by concrete and steel.

The disparity between life and death is made abundantly clear,
As pieces fall out of place the world gives way to fear.
Homes are razed and bent to shape the way we wish to see,
Processed till it serves no purpose other than currency.

The very ground we walk on is upended and overturned,
The waters that once gave us life are poisoned without concern.
The skies above, cry they might, cannot fill the void,
Burned and torn asunder by impetuous anthropoids.

But as the smog lingers and slips into our lungs,
A profound reclamation of the earth has just begun.
Our hubris has led to castigation by time,
Wherein we will find our mortality divined.

Now the innocence is broken and the gates have come unlatched,
The doors are swung wide open and the sparks ignite the match.
For as the ground quakes and the waters begin to swell,
Our ill-gotten kingdom stares in the face of the fell.

The mighty Earth has found its way — the answer, and its proof,
And all that’s left is the subtlety, in a world begun anew.

© Adam Ray Cronk 2023



Adam Ray Cronk
The Lark Publication

Poet & short story writer, lover of eldritch horror and anything Poe or Lovecraft | My writing ebbs and flows, from dark to light and back again.