All You Need is Love

Flash fiction — it started well — they dropped love bombs on each other like it was going out of style

Roopa Swaminathan
The Lark Publication
3 min readOct 28, 2021


It started well. They dropped love bombs on each other like it was going out of style.

He always said to her, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Wear makeup. Don’t wear makeup. I don’t care. You will always be beautiful to me.”

So, she went barefaced since her mocha skin was fresh, dewy, and flawless.

She was pleasantly plump. So what? There’s more of you to hold, he’d tell her.

She cared about the world, spoke loudly and boldly about climate change, banning plastic, animal rights, and being vegan. She waved the activism flag and he stood next to her — proud and willing.

Then his career went through a stratospheric rise. He went from being yet another MBA grad in mid-management to the ‘chosen one’ in the company. Whether they wanted to or not, whether they could afford to or not — they moved up. They moved up in homes, positions, and lifestyles. They became members of clubs that they never had the time to go to because it was the done thing for someone in his position. They sent their kids to private schools that the kids hated and felt alone and lonely in because of who he was now. They hosted parties and invited people they barely knew and the ones they did know they hated. Because… he was climbing the corporate ladder. They made cocktails and mocktails and ate caviar and filet mignon even though a double cheeseburger with fries from McD’s is what they both yearned to snarf down. Because… well… they were the Robertsons but HAD to keep up with the Joneses.

Soon… her bare-face was too bare, he said. Why don’t you at least wear some makeup? Maybe some lipstick, eyeliner? Did you see Trisha the other night? Andy’s wife? Trisha looked awesome. So, she started to apply makeup.

Then the ‘more of her to hold’ just became… more. So, she dieted, worked out all the time, ate a celery stick for lunch, was constantly hungry and angry but hey… she was a size 4 now. It was all worth it.

Her bold stance that he’d once loved now became an embarrassment. She spoke loudly that billionaires should be taxed… when her husband’s bosses had just become billionaires themselves. She spoke against Wall Street bankrupting the middle class while her husband worked in a hedge fund.

It started well. All you need is love they’d told each other. And probably meant it then.

The love now turned to — all you need is a house. And a car. And another car. Then the second house. A vacation house. Money in the bank with at least a 10% interest rate. And a retirement fund. And a travel fund. Ivy college funds for the kids. And…

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is skin deep.

But then the beholder started to have a lot of requirements and expectations. Do you have a double D chest? Check. Do you have perfect skin? Check. Blond hair. Check. Blue eyes. Check. Are you a size negative zero? Check.

OK. NOW beauty IS in the eye of the beholder. And beauty is skin-deep.

Really though, it did start well.



Roopa Swaminathan
The Lark Publication

Roopa is published in The Belladonna Comedy, Outlook, Federal, Slackjaw, Frazzled, Eksentrika, KItaab, WW, GP, FFF. She also hates successful writers.