An Infinite Railway

On the track the train has left the station — they run away

Indah Maulida
The Lark
May 31, 2022


Photo by Indah Maulida (Author)

A very long railway track
It might took forever
The train has left the station
No one knows where it arrives
No option, no choice
— Nothing’s possible.

A very long railway track
Slithering like a giant snake
behind the moving train
It tries to catch the preys
who run away by train
— Running from troubles.

A very long railway track
Twisting like string of words
Causing dizziness
Troubles or people that left behind
They will find the train
— Finding the tail of preys.

© 2022 Indah Maulida



Indah Maulida
The Lark

Gloom makes you bloom. Like a flower. | Writer. Poet. English Instructor. Dreamer. | Support me here