An Ogre’s Heart

Flash fiction — for the ageless

Giulietta Passarelli
The Lark Publication


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Once there lived an ogre high up on a hill with a kind heart. He wasn’t very pretty to look at which bothered him often. He admired the nice-looking people of the town wondering why he wasn’t as handsome as they. So, one day he looked up and asked the Sky, “Why? Why was I created to look like this?”

And the Sky said, “I gave you a kind heart instead.”

Ogre sighed. He thought he would ask if he could trade his heart in for a nicer face, but then he thought, it could be worse. I could be mean AND repulsive looking. This thought kept Ogre happy for a good while. He put aside his desire to trade in his heart. Feeling content, he came down from the hill spreading his kindness to all he met. Despite the fact that some did cower and taunt him for his unsightly appearance, Ogre made many friends. He was very giving to all. Many adored his kind heart. They gave him something to eat to bring home after he did many chores for them helping them in any way he could. He even told funny stories to the children making them laugh, the children always begging Ogre to tell them another.

Those that taunted him made Ogre sad, but he still gave them the good he had, doing his part like an upright person. Ogre’s heart wouldn’t allow him to hate anyone.



Giulietta Passarelli
The Lark Publication

Author/Poet/Writer of middle gr. novels, short stories, poems, for adults, YA, the ageless:; updates website every 1st of the month.