
Son Cain
The Lark Publication
3 min readOct 17, 2022


The story below talks about two lovers witnessing the collision of the Milky Way galaxy with the Andromeda galaxy which will take place in about 4 to 5 billion years.

Total annihilation is certain. Only a few minutes remain. The two lovers meet on their favorite beach. Together, they decide to stand on a rock and gaze at the stars.
The boy holds the girl’s hand as the two galaxies begin to merge and stars destroy one another creating the most impressive fireworks that have ever decorated the night sky. They are both afraid.
He looks her in the eyes and begins to talk.

I was always amazed by your beauty.
I hope your smile never dies.
There are two exploding galaxies above me,
and I still choose to gaze into your eyes.

Andromeda is getting closer.
In all honesty, I am truly scared.
I want you to know that I am grateful,
grateful for the life we shared.

With you standing next to me,
I could not have asked for a better end.
You were way more than my lover,
for you, you were my friend.

We made love, we hugged, we slept together.
I would read you my poems and you would show me your art.
Simple, happy and meaningful moments .
I love you from the depths of my heart.

Laughs and cries, ups and downs.
We lived it all, just you and me.
I could be trapped in the darkest cell with you
and I would still feel free.

He looks up for a moment as he realizes that only seconds separate them from death. He takes a deep breath and continues.

The lifeboat to which our love is tethered
is nothing but a floating feather.
A trembling feather blown in zephyrs
in the cold,angry and soaking weather.

Look at the stars up high,
exploding one after another.
A new world lies ahead,
a world that together we will discover.

Maybe not now my love,
cause’ for now we say goodbye.
I promise I will find you in another life,
a life where I hope I will never see you cry.

From the darkness comes light.
Chaos is born as two worlds collide.
But the abyss does not scare me
for I have you on my side.

Let my voice echo to the fringes of the cosmos.
Father into your hands we commit our spirits.
This is my deathbed confession.
The confession of my deepest feelings.

Oh, how beautiful.
I have never seen a brighter night.
Come close my love and hold me.
Hold me tight.

The two lovers hug and share one last passionate kiss.
A planet twice the size of the earth crashes onto our planet. Everything once alive turns into dust including the two lovers on the beach. But little did they know, for their dust will be the foundation upon which a new planet will be created. And who knows, maybe there will come a time in the future when two other lovers will stand on a rock at a beach on that very planet gazing at the stars together.



Son Cain
The Lark Publication

A Curious Poet. Researching Medical Applications of Artificial Intelligence.