At Intersect

Learn when it is time to leave

Lynette M.
The Lark Publication
2 min readFeb 8, 2022


Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

Don’t lead me to the forest of love,
And you lost your way-
How can you reach Pluto?
Only able to handle idiosyncrasies,
Found no depth in your well.
Needing distractions, always.
I was your injectable drug
Your morphine.
I never wanted to dull your pain
Wanted you to feel,
So you could heal.
For pain was the balm that could heal your soul
And to know what it meant to love and lose.

But I was stuck at this intersect for way too long
We were strangers stuck in time.
Wondering how to stay and when to go
Knowing this was not home.
Lingered here for way too long
Long enough for fire to light up
Long enough for fire to burn
So grateful that fire scorched folly to the ground

You awoke from your slumber
Now I must awake too?
To the reality that this was nothing but a dream?
Nothing real nor valuable to hold?
Grateful that no love was spent.
Therefore, no love lost.
For my heart never stopped at intersect
It kept on beating for more
Yet it got caught in your thicket of lies
So it bleeds for her
Of unwise thoughts
And time lost
Of a frozen mind,
Like a deer caught in headlights.

Wake up love
Go catch your heart, my love,
Do not remain.
For she still beats for you
Always knowing what’s good for you.
She never stops at intersect.
Nor should you.



Lynette M.
The Lark Publication

Writer,poet,travel enthusiast who loves all things development .