Be My Morning Rain


Deborah Woruka
The Lark Publication
May 28, 2024


Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash

I am writing a song about you,
a song that will live in the seventh heaven,
for our eternity.
Let the melody
from this evening's drizzle
interweave with my Piano interlude.

You, my Dearest, are
an Evening Rain,
a rain that feeds shriveled soils
in the souls of mortals,
after long days that are
parched like Harmattan.

You are the Evening Rain
that vows to gift a sweat-less night.
The Evening Rain
that caresses the dark start
of a new morning,
with peaceful dews.

Please, be my Morning Rain too,
a heavy and thunderous Morning Rain.
Be fierce enough to keep me indoors.
Keep me safe,
from the early chase
of futility.

© Deborah Woruka 2024. All Rights Reserved.



Deborah Woruka
The Lark Publication

I love the beautiful colours of life. So, I write about them.