Beneath the Gaze of Gods

A poem

Ani Eldritch
The Lark
Aug 9, 2024


Nathan Clima took this photo of the Coin de la Maison Carrée de Nîmes in France.
Photo by Nathan Cima on Unsplash

I am Athena’s whisper in a world of silence, my thoughts a labyrinth, each breath a battle cry, each heartbeat an echo of Olympus.

Shadows of gods flicker in my veins, seeping into my marrow with the weight of ancient sorrows.

I weave words like Arachne, spinning threads of golden agony and triumph.

The night cradles me, stars piercing through the fabric of my mind, illuminating secrets I dare not speak.

I stand on the precipice of eternity, gazing into the abyss of my myth.

In the end, I fear not the gods but the silence within.

