Beneath the Surface


Seema Shahid Writer
The Lark Publication
1 min readJun 19, 2024


Words unspoken, yet they strike,
Like a hidden whisper in the night.
A silent blow, it pierces deep,
Where feelings stir and secrets keep.

They resonate, a trembling chord,
A silent plea, a heart ignored.
A whisper soft, yet strong and clear,
Unveiling truths we hold so dear.

They stir emotions, raw and pure,
Like a gentle touch, they reassure.
Unmasked by words that can’t endure,
They reveal the depths of our hearts’ allure.

They tap into the depths below,
Where thoughts, dreams, and fears all flow.
Beyond the reach of tongue or pen,
They speak to us like long-lost friends.

These words are not mere sounds,
But echoes of our hearts unbound.
They speak of longing, love, and pain,
And all the secrets that remain.

For in the realm where words can’t tread,
True understanding lies instead.
Beneath the surface, they reside,
A silent language, never to hide.



Seema Shahid Writer
The Lark Publication

Seema Shahid is an accomplished author known for her captivating work, she writes romance fiction novels & successfully published her work on Kindle.