Benefits of Avoiding Peer Pressure

It’s not easy but it’s worth it

The Lark
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2024


A puppet’s strings are pulled — by another, larger puppet.
Photo by Sivani Bandaru on Unsplash

His friends had insisted that getting a UTV to drive around the neighborhood was a great idea. He read plenty of reviews and felt he made a good choice. He was excited not to stand out as a bit of an oddball.

He was now stuck between a rock and a hard place. Worry about the upkeep and storage, or sell this failed investment at a loss — a huge blow to his ego. Mentally anchoring this machine to his identity made it more difficult to part with. What would his friends say about him if he wasn’t like them? He could already hear their jabs.

He had his first lesson in psychology on how a business uses peer pressure to sell fake value.

To get his mind off of things, he opened his favorite social media app. After only a hop, skip, and a jump, he began to question how both political extremes could be the only group with a clue, fighting for his freedoms, and claiming to benefit the greater good. They insisted they were so different, with so many fundamental similarities.

He now had an idea of how useful, as a tool, the extremes of the left and right were, funded by the same businesses built on selling him future problems.

At this moment, he decided to care more about gaining new knowledge and experience. He would no longer let others pull his strings.

And as always, keep on learnin’.

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The Lark

Sharing ideas, thoughts, and experiences is awesome. Building up others is a great fuel. Hearing "I've never thought of it that way" is a constant goal.