Where do we go after

Broken Apologies

Do we still turn another cheek


Photo by 傅甬 华 via Unsplash

The most frustrating
of life-altering things
trying to say
I’m sorry
only to be told
it’s too late for an apology
Trying to get one’s feet
back on hollowed ground
but try though you may
with each passing day
reality washes all sanity

At times I wonder
what sits on the other side
of that cheek
once before turned
What comes after forgiveness
has been broken
How do you say sorry
when it all feels
like nothing more
than a token

Where does love’s root go
when the tree has fallen
Where do our emotional rivers
once love has been stolen
What do you do
when all you can hear
are the falling trees
the forest
being nowhere near

There are days I get so weary
To be clear
I have no desire to die
But there are times
I am so tired of breathing
So tired of dreaming
It is as if
I’m living in the last night
the sun went down
Awaiting, in vain, morning’s arrival
And I know now
it will not come

The sun came up again
While not assured
still feeling the remnants
of my forever night
I want to hold on
If only to feel pain
I want to hold on
If only to convince myself
I am more than a pawn
in this human chess game




Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing)
The Lark Publication

Choose Living Over Existing(CLOE)Gender Free Writer(GFW), MartialArts-Auth"The Spirit That Guides Us" "Noir AM""The Lottery" https://twitter.com/dropoutgorgeous