Bye — Hi Balloons

With a bundle of my anxiety — an Acrostic poem

Indah Maulida
The Lark Publication
Dec 12, 2022


Photo by Felipe Santana on Unsplash

For the first time, I bundled up my anxiety,
Roughly tied it to a bunch of balloons
Estimated flying for one or two days
East to west, sunrise to sunset
Daringly, I let the breeze fly them away
Only for a short time — I didn’t care
Myriad possibilities weren’t impossible
Successfully done without my what-ifs
Elapsed time would make them fall down
Landed on my anxious ground, but I already knew
For the next time, I’ll bundle up my anxiety again.

© 2022 Indah Maulida

Here is my other poem about strangers keep asking questions

Thank you for reading!:)



Indah Maulida
The Lark Publication

Gloom makes you bloom. Like a flower. | Writer. Poet. English Instructor. Dreamer. | Support me here