Chemical Release

Hybrid poem on self-compassion

Breathe & Be Still
The Lark Publication
2 min readJul 20, 2022


Photo Credit | Author

I dumped it all in the river
a chemical, toxic release
cleansing the pours to the souls of feet
every step taken within stride of breath
whilst disposing these festering antigens
that have consumed me, confused me, at times coopted me before disabusing me. And finally, I’m able to breathe with ease again…

No longer infused with glycerin I have become fully, completely, utterly, exposed — nourished by open space —with thoughts unwinding — catching glimmers of reflective ~peace~ as water striders cast trails of light in the early hour of summer nights.

Perhaps my heart could bleed open again and I might let the world back in.

Only, now I’m back to these carefully kept edges of burnt grass — to the decay of two years past of presuming stares and suspicious glances — home to the cape I took shelter in — shutters appear open but voices all locked within — perpetually anticipating the storm… I do not belong here anymore.

Was it simply time for reprieve or can I carry forgiveness inside of me?

For now, I take to humming — feeling the vibrations within — spreading arms out wide while reaching up — palms uniting toward the sky — pulling back down with breath before chest — feet planted sturdy — head bent — lips pressed to fingertips.

May I walk with love in my heart once again.

©Breathe & Be Still 2022

Been on a bit of a healing kick these days. If you enjoyed this poem you may also appreciate the one below… Thanks for reading and thank you to Denise Larkin for publishing my work in The Lark.

