Counting Steps

A poem

George Lamptey
The Lark Publication


Photo by Maxime Lebrun on Unsplash

Roll the dice
Be confident
That the lips throw words
Of truth and simplicity

Roll the dice
Courageously speak
Loud whispers
Then change direction
Towards the mist in the orange haze

Roll the dice
Be open and vulnerable
Multiply your burst of orange soul juice
Like the micro stems of the leaf hand

Roll the dice
Be monumental
Step upon the sea crust
Wait patiently
The spiral effortlessly
Yellow buttercup forms
Bursting of pollen magic

Roll the dice
Be burdenless
Send the domino rocks
Down the hill of motion
Heading south
Towards the galloping Goldenrods

George Odarquaye Lamptey
May 2022

