Dear Me — My I Myself

A letter and poem for myself

Indah Maulida
The Lark Publication
1 min readNov 16, 2022


Photo by Kate Macate on Unsplash

Dear me, my I, myself
You’ve been scared
to dream more
’cause you have no score
either in games match
or in that life match

Dear me, my I, myself
You’ve yearned for a life
of so-called normal people
Go to work and come home
Having a fixed schedule
Not a random activity

Dear me, my I, myself
You’ve been trying
All this time
So don’t blame yourself
or blame anyone else
It’s a challenge to be human

Dear me, my I, myself
The first step is
always worth try
Inhale, exhale, smile
You will make your own
best schedule, very soon.

Dear me, my I, myself
This letter is a poem
for you to open and read
If you ever lose again
I am here and stay forever
I am a poem to guide you.

© 2022 Indah Maulida

Thank you for reading my poem. I appreciate your claps and comments.
Have a nice day:)



Indah Maulida
The Lark Publication

Gloom makes you bloom. Like a flower. | Writer. Poet. English Instructor. Dreamer. | Support me here