Dear Mind

A poem — mental health — overthinking and anxiety ❤

Seda A.
The Lark Publication


Engin Akyurt on Pexels

Dear Mind,
Will you stop living in the past?
Will you stop fearing the future?
Will you stop creating a thousand scenarios every hour?
Can we please experience this moment?

The overthinking you do…
It’s unhealthy.
Why do you make me question my sanity?
Why do you convince me I’m unlovable?
Why do I have to list all the reasons why
I am enough!

The trauma and pain inflicted upon us,
You know damn well they are all in the past.
We’re all safe now,
Or as safe as we could be
In this circus of society.
So, why make me feel unsafe every day?

Dear Mind,
I am tired of our constant fighting.
Why do you think so melodramatically?
They say our thoughts create our reality.
You really need to take it easy.
Even my pulse can’t take your negativity.



Seda A.
The Lark Publication

Screenwriter & Storyteller, coming from Chemical & Biological Engineering and Music background ✍🏼👩🏽‍🔬⚗️🎹🎻🎤🔮