Diseased Bones

A poem about a terrible disease like cancer

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)
The Lark Publication
2 min readMar 22, 2023


Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash

Cancer in the bones, a cruel fate,
a battle fought with fear and hate,
a shadow that looms with every step,
a pain that lingers, a constant threat.

The bones that once were strong and true,
Now ravaged by a disease that grew,
A force that cannot be denied,
A foe that cannot be defied.

The ache that spreads with every move,
A reminder of life now proven,
A struggle fought with all one’s might,
A journey that tests one’s very sight.

But hope still shines in the darkest hour,
A beacon of light, a source of power with drugs,
A strength that comes from deep within,
A courage that refuses to give in.

And though the road is long and tough,
And though the battle is often rough,
There is a spirit that endures,
A heart that beats, a will that assures.

Cancer in the bones may try,
But it cannot break the human spirit’s high,
For in the face of pain…



Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)
The Lark Publication

Mastodon: @dlarkin121@me.dm An author/writer of fiction novels and poetry living in London writing about her experiences on Medium. dlarkin121@gmail.com