Don’t Be a Barrier — Rather Be a Companion

In my journey

Shuvranil Sanyal
The Lark Publication
2 min readMay 18, 2024


Photo by Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash

To the Unknown love of my life,

People say that God writes the best love stories, and I can’t wait for the day when our stories will come together. As my heart beats with excitement, there’s one thing I want you to know: don’t get in the way of my journey; just be by my side.

I’m on a journey, full of hopes, dreams, and a desire to grow. I have both real and imagined mountains to climb and valleys to get through. Victories will come my way, and I can’t wait to share them with the person who makes my soul soar. But there will be times when you fall and have doubts. At those times, a hand to hold and a word of support will mean the most.

Nobody needs to clip my wings, hold me back, or tell me what to do. I want a love that accepts me for who I am, supports my goals, and lights my fire. Someone who walks with me, helps me figure things out, and cheers me on when things get tough.

Picture us: reaching our goals and celebrating both big and small achievements. Imagine having late-night talks about the day’s events and sharing goals while the stars shine. Think about the constant support, the gentle push when needed, and the confidence in each other’s abilities.

To make room for another life, there will be compromises and changes, don’t get me wrong. That’s the beauty of a real partnership though — isn’t it? To connect our paths and make a fabric that is fuller and more colorful because of the threads we weave together.

So, my love when you get here please come with an open mind and a spirit of adventure like mine. Be the lighthouse that leads me home and the sign that helps me find my way, but never the anchor that stops my journey.

With a heart full of hope and open arms,

Your Future Partner

© Shuvranil Sanyal, 2024

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Shuvranil Sanyal
The Lark Publication

Blogger | Artistic Photographer | PhD Student I Poetic Storyteller