Emotions Unleashed

A poem

John O'Neill
The Lark Publication


Photo by Toby Elliott on Unsplash

Emotions confuse-confound-bless me
Mocking any pretense of control
Likely to burst forth at inopportune times
The catalyst sometimes easily detected
On other occasions come without apparent cause
But always powerful
Intensity akin to a volcanic eruption
An earthquake or a tsunami
Bringing in their wake alternatively

The sadness that comes with the death of a loved one
With an accompanying sense of loss
Intertwined and heightened by
A feeling of personal vulnerability and mortality

Anger and outrage at political demagogues
Who promotes hatred and bigotry

Grief at the deaths of innocents in wars of all kinds
In the name of religion
Age old tribal rivalries
In pursuit of power-wealth
Those justified by a nationalistic manifest destiny
Each death tolling a bell for you and me
If you listen closely you can hear all creation crying out…



John O'Neill
The Lark Publication

Retired human services executive, living in Massachusetts near Boston, trying to be a better human being each day than the day before.