
Season 1 Ep-7 Phasexuality (Fah-sex-u-ality)


Photo adopted by the author

Welcome to our Season 1 Episode 7
Let us take this time to remind all readers, whilst not this particular episode, many in this series could prove triggering for some. The episodes deal with content of abuse and while not explicit, some sexual violence and sexual eroticism in addition to other adult content. This is a 10 Episode Season 1 introduction to this rather exciting series,

CAMERA opens inside a bedroom
Early Afternoon 1:15 P.M Day 15
We can see clearly Donnah laying with her head resting on the headboard her naked breast exposed and a female laying on her, face down on her tummy also top naked. Both are partially covered with the sheets from waist down. We cannot see the face female laying on Donnah who is holding a book, a written journal in her hands, opened to a page she begins to read.

So these are all pieces that you have written eh? I like this one

We see through the eyes of the camera as the piece is being read by Donnah, we see both Donnah, clearly but only the silhouette of the still unknown female, performing in the role of the words being spoken by Donnah.

Donnah (Voice Over)
“Her demon Fortress”

As she emerged from the shower
she imagined herself emerging from the waterfall
Nature’s tears having washed her sins away
Absolution is once again hers
She dries her face and imagines the wind blowing across her body
Her nudity is absolute
Nature’s imprint
Her mark, her fertility, her sensuality
Her demon fortress and her strength
Then Wetness
Warmth, wetness
Her mind drifts to a place of silence
I am not living a double life
I am living a single life
with multiple spirits
I am a prism, a collection of
many colors reflecting a solitary color
And then you ask
Why I love you
Because we fit like a hand in glove
We are each other’s lighthouse in life’s storms
We are easy
when all around us life shows its hardened self
We work
We are each other’s life-giving affair

As the reading ends,

18-year-old Donnah and her mother Hellen sitting across from two doctors in Doctors' office’s

Doctor (Two doctors sitting around a semi-circular desk, Male doctor speaks)
Donnah we would like to have a moment with your mom then Dr. Jeannine will also like to have a private word with you after ok..

Why is my Dad not here

Donnah, please!

Doctor Jeannie
Donnah this is nothing bad. If after we speak with you it is decided that you wish your dad to be here, we can easily make those arrangements.

Donnah (Visibly defiant and unhappy stands to leave the office)
Just don’t forget this is about me and no one else

She closes the door, with enough force to clearly indicate her displeasure with being asked to leave momentarily.

The information shared with Hellen by the Two Doctors was identically shared with Donnah however it had been earlier decided that only Dr. Jeannie would present the facts when meeting with Donnah

Meeting with Donnah and Dr. Jeannie in the same office

Doctor Jeannie

Have you ever heard of the term called Phasexuality
Sounding it out, it is Fah-sex-u-ality

What the fuck is that

Doctor Jeannie
Well first we want to be absolutely clear, Phasexuality is a trait similar to many other long-established and accepted forms of sexuality

So you trying to say I fucking weird, is that it

Doctor Jeannie
No Donnah is very much the opposite,
I was asked to join this team because I am among one of the first identified cases of record
And I am normal

I think we could say the jury is a long way out on that

Doctor Jeannie (maintaining her composure calmly responds)
Why, Thank you, I will take that as a compliment

It’s just that except for my last couple of appointments
I don’t know you
So can’t say if you are normal or weird.

Doctor Jeannie (continues to explain)
Phasexuals love much more passionately.
We are viciously territorial

What’s with the we

Doctor Jeannie
Donnah all those tests you have been doing to help us gather more information on what has been happening to you came back positively that you are a Phasexual.

Donnah sits in silence. No quick smart comebacks, just a silent unemotional look on her face. Not knowing if she should leave now or perhaps, her much-confused sexuality could be that simple explanation of being identified as acceptable.

Doctor Jeannie
Donnah we will not just drop this in your lap and then leave you.
We will be with you for as long as it takes for you to better understand
and take back control of, perhaps many of the areas that may have been frustrating to you.

like what

Doctor Jeannie
Well why don’t we talk about me and perhaps you may find some things familiar to you.

Silence! Donnah gives no indication of having agreed or disagreed.
So Doctor Jeannie takes her silence as a cue to continue

Doctor Jeannie
I love without filter. If I love you, it matters not to me who you are. You could be my Doctor, my teacher, my best friend, or my friend’s best friend. Also, I can become for long periods of time hypersexual. This means for reasons not yet understood, there are times when we think of nothing else but sex.

Hell that means every fucking boy I know must have your disease

Doctor Jeannie (Laughing)
Well, I guess there is some truth to the hypersexual part.

Doctor Jeannie continues to explain

Doctor Jeannie
It is most important you do not think of this as a disease because it is not.
It leaves me with the strength to love without filter. The more serious side of Phasexuality is we, I mean, I, have no interest in such things as normality nor am I bothered by society’s taboo love.
In this one area, we are most dangerous to all our relationships.
As in all such definitions
there are important exceptions
and or moral self-knowing line
that is never in question.
Phasexuals for example
are never molesters or abusive.
They can be cold when ceasing
relationships but never abusive.

Donnah (showing signs of extremely familiarity)
What do you mean we’re dangerous

Doctor Jeannie

Remember now, this is only one person and one example we are talking about.

Yeh, but we would not be having this conversation if you thought I was normal.

Doctor Jeannie
You are normal. You only need a bit of an explanation for some of the things you feel.

Again, you still have not explained to me what you mean by dangerous.

Doctor Jeannie
I am going to share two of our findings with you and you will be coming back in at a later date for more support in the managing of all this new information

Doc, what is it you keep making excuses not to say

Doctor Jeannie
We, again I should say, I

Ok enough with the I and the we, I get it, I’m fucked!
Now just say what you need to say

Doctor Jeannie

Not fucked, blessed with some cautions. We loved our dads viciously. Not unlike many girls, we are extremely protective of our fathers. We would kill without question any female who messes with him.
Our fathers seem to be the only ones immune to our non-filer sexually unique behavior.

I knew you are not normal. So your mother is not immune

Doctor Jeannie
Well, she is only because we would quicker hate her than love her. That is one thing we constantly have to work at. The relationship with our mothers, in many tests, shows that things get better when they are no longer with our fathers.
But male or female, brothers or sisters, we lack the natural filters that say no. What we have that seems to keep us from crossing the lines of the family is anyone that who is in a relationship with our fathers is doomed to our vengeance.
This is something we must constantly work at

Did you explain this to my mother in your conversations with her

Doctor Jeannie
Yes we did


The reading ends Donnah pushes the journal off to the side and pulls her female partner upwards to her lips embracing into a passionate kiss. The two roll over and for the very first time we can see clearly Jessica’s face

Cue To the Front Door of a home

Kaitlin filled with enthusiasm arrives on the driveway just at the very same time as seemingly the adult female resident

Female adult resident

Hey Kaitlin. You are also off today?


Hello, Yes, this is a study week for me
“how are you”

At that very moment the gentleman next door, to the right side of the Female adult resident’s home having arrived at his front porch and thinking Kaitlin’s greeting of “How are you?” was directed to him

I am very, very nice thank you

Female adult resident
Jerry! That is good to know

From his response, he was showing evidence of being impaired

Is he ok?

Female adult resident
He is fine
Life sometimes happens to the very best of us

Ok, you be good. Nice talking to you Jess

Female adult resident
This is Jess’s Friend Jerry

Sorry, Mom…

Female adult resident, (Jessica’s Mother)
(Directing her attention to Kaitlin)
Jess will be happy to see you

Jessica’s Mom opens the door and calls out

Jessica’s Mom
Sweetheart, are you there?

Cue to Jessica’s Bedroom

Jessica (Very flustered)
Holy Shit
That’s my mom

Donnah (Standing, clearly confused)
I thought you said she would not be home for hours

Jessica (responding with a notable element of surprise in her voice)

Jessica’s Mom (responds jokingly)

Yes, dear. I know you are so very glad I’m home
we lost hydro at work so everyone was sent home early

Oh, ok.

Cue to the downstairs front door

Jessica’s Mom

Well at least she will be glad to see you, go on up love

Kaitlin was already halfway up the stairs when Jessica heard her Mom’s next word

Jessica’s Mom
Sweetheart! Your friend Kaitlin is here, she is coming up

By the time her Mom’s information had registered in the processing center of her brain, Kaitlin’s hand was already seconds away from the handle of her bedroom door.

Ready or not here I come

Rustling noises could be detected inside the bedroom as Kaitlin was about to swing open the door.

Kaitlin (Turns the handle of the door and pushes it open with an exclamation)

The Camera FADES TO BLACK from inside Jessica’s Room looking outwards at Kaitlin’s wide smiling face as she enters the room saying Surprise and then fades to a dark screen

FADE IN 7 YEARS AGO…Carrio’s Apartment in Toronto

Camera enters the apartment on the ground floor of a triplex building. The building has a street-level commercial business at its entrance. The Camera enters a side door and travels the long narrow hallway to the Carrio’s apartment at the base of the stairs leading to the other two units on the second level.

Carrio (sitting on his couch with recently connected best friend Jamie on the chair facing him)
Jamie, are you comfortable with the information?

I am comfortable

Take the time to go over everything once more

Carrio, Relax. I understand what I need to do

Just one minute. Let me fix your tie, it is a bit crocked.

Jamie (Stands up and adjusts his tie and shirt)
I am good to go. Don’t worry, I’m ok

Good luck. Remember…

Jamie (Cuts him off…)
Yes, I know, I know, do not answer the questions too fast
, and do not answer questions that you are not asked. I go it

Ok. Sound good. Now go get them.

Jamie (small folder with all his documents in hand exits the door)
Call you as soon as it is over

As Jamie exits the door the phone rings. Carrio answers


Father Joseph
Carrio is everything ready?

Yes, Father. We are all set

Father Joseph
Like I said all that is needed to be done is just to show up. Please be reminded that
tomorrow afternoon I will be leaving for my next assignment in South America you already know


Yes Father and things will be just wonderful for those blessed to have you

Father Joseph
Bless you, son. Please know this. The owner of Ross & Hunter and I were both in the Seminary together. We both had some very unfortunate things in life. I continued but he wanted out. I was instrumental in helping him and now, all that needs to happen is simply to show up

Ok in a couple of hours, we will call you and let know how things went.

Father Joseph
Thank you, son.

Carrio hangs up the phone and moves to the small kitchen area. He opens the fridge and takes out some uncooked meat. He puts the meat in the kitchen sink, opens the package, and turns on the cold water allowing the water to run onto the meat.

He leaves the pipe open on a slower steady flow over the meat. He turns his attention to the gathering of some seasonings from a plastic stackable basket on the floor beside the fridge. From the collection were onions, garlic, and ginger. He takes out a frying pan from under the counter, sets it on the stove, turns off the water, and begin the process of preparing his meat for cooking.

Carrio had just completed the meat prepared in the pot and covered it when
the phone rings.
Carrio grabs a dish towel and wiping his hands he goes to answer the phone


Voice on the phone
This is the doctor’s office calling back

Yes. I have been waiting nervously.

Voice on the phone
Well, we have good news. We will start the procedure next month.

Carrio slumps down onto the couch in a half-praying, half-kneeling position. Both his hands and the phone finds themselves clasped together for a brief moment before realizing the doctor’s office was still on the phone.

Voice on the phone
Hello, are you there

Carrio (Very tearfully happy)
Yes, yes I am here

Voice on the phone
Ok, now that we have arrived at this point, the doctor wants you to take the time between now and then to really think about things.
Once we begin the procedures we are on a path of no return.
All your other medical protocols have been done and all returned with full clearance and approvals for you to move forward.
One last thing, please remember this is expected to be a three-year journey and you will need patience.

I fully understand and we are prepared. I have been waiting my entire life.

Voice on the phone
So we will see you in one month’s time ok.
With the time we have, there are a few things for you to do leading up that that date. Please take some notes.

CAMERA FADES IN AND OUT AS CARRIO IS ON THE PHONE, indicating a long time spent on the conversation and notes being taken

The phone call finally ends and Carrio sits, taking a moment to reflect on everything that just transpired in his conversation. He also reflected on the many lives that have assisted him leading up to this day.

Again just as if the phone was awaiting for Carrio to complete his conversation down memory lane, the phone began to ring. At first the phone’s ringing reminded Carrio of one of the many emergency drills he had on the ship before going AWOL. He realizes it was the phone and answers



See I told you this would be just like Father Joseph said. Starting this very minute, we must begin using the correct names if we are to make this work.

Ok Jamie

Good Carrio


Early Afternoon 1:15 P.M Day 15

Kaitlin stands in the doorway, one hand still holding onto the door’s handle. Jessica stands, only wearing her panties.

Oh my! Who were you expecting?

Jessica (Doing her very best to be calm but doing so poorly)

Kaitlin (Kaitlin moves inside the room, turning sideways to ensure she pushed and locked the door properly behind her)
I guess it is your turn for getting me back after my performance last week

Last week?

Oh my god, Jess, you think you’d just seen a frigging ghost. Now who is it that should not play poker

Jessica (
Trying to lose her tension)
Oh, yes, last week, now I remember

I know I said I could not make it but I changed my mind and decided this is where I wanted to be

Jessica (Clumsily trying to cover herself with the bed sheet)
What changed your mind

Kaitlin (Moved boldly to Jessica and pulls away her covering, throwing it back onto the bed)
Don’t cover up on my account, how about I catch up to …

Jessica (But Jess does not allow her to finish her sentence)
But my mother is downstairs

Again Kaitlin rebuffs her with a comment of surprise

Ok, did the aliens take away my Jessica?
Are you, not the same Jessica that got all excited at the very thought you are now so scared about

Kaitlin moves closer and kisses Jessica.

Kaitlin (Still only a breath away from Jessica’s face)
Ok, I get it. I am sorry I should have called and let you know I was on my way. Let’s start over. Give me a hug

As Jessica leans in to hug Kaitlin, she notices Donnah’s panties on the floor halfway between the edge of the bed and half under the bed. She slowly maneuvered herself to extend her feet to push the panties fully under when Donnah’s hand could be seen pulling the panties under the bed where she was in hiding.

Ok, Jess, I have a confession to make and please, please don’t interrupt me. I have been trying to confess to anyone that would listen but instead, I’ve just been just fucking things up.

Ok, Kaitlin but this can wait for another time, can’t it?

Jess here sit on the bed with me, please.
Now you remember when we first kissed you said, no matter how bad or how weird things get, always tell you the truth

Yes, but let me fix you something to drink and eat then we can sit and talk.

Jessica, please!
Ok, remember when you came to our party over a week ago and I was, how did you put it?

Speaking to herself, Kaitlin continues

“Kaitlin you should never play poker”

Jessica (trying her very last attempt at stopping anything that Kaitlin may have to say)
Are you sure I could not fix us something…

Stop, please!
This is important.
Well, the truth is, I had just been in the bathroom with Donnah.


Instantly realizing her response Jessica tried to recover her surprise with a second attempt at a calmer response

Did you say Donnah?

Jess, I am sorry I did not say anything before

Jessica (now seemingly extremely interested)
No, I understand how that must have been difficult but please continue

Are you sure, maybe we should get something if you wish, you seem angry

I mean, no, I am sorry
I just needed a minute, it is ok, please take all the time, tell me everything.

Now I think you are just angry with me

Jessica (Grabs Kaitlin by the face almost too aggressively and kisses her)
That kiss was my way to say, please continue, we are ok

Well it happened even before I knew what was happening but it is not as if I wanted it to stop at that moment
But then I fully confessed to Donnah that I was just getting involved with you and she said,
“it was only a one-time thing and I should really take the time to wait to see if there was even anything for me to tell her about.”

Oh really! And then what happened

Well, then we came downstairs and….

No, I don’t mean that. I mean did you hook up again?


Well that is it, yes and no

What the heck is that suppose to mean

I know what you said about telling the truth but I feel you are getting more upset and perhaps this is too much

Kaitlin, you have my word. I can tell you with the sincerest of honesty, I am not upset with you right now, if anything I am feeling so much love for you so much more than you could imagine.

Well the yes is we did hook up again a couple of days after and it was great. I can’t lie but today we were to meet and again and I just could not do it.
So I called her earlier and told her that I just cannot continue until I figure out what was going to happen between you and me.

Jessica (Jessica was clearly speaking for Donnah’s benefit)
So let me understand this correctly!
You were to meet up with her today?


But you canceled


And you chose instead to come here and confess all this to me, like tell me the truth.

Yes, I know it sounds strange when you spell it out like that but it is the truth.

And you also told Donnah that you would be coming here today.

No, I did not plan on coming here at all even after I had cancelled with Donnah. If anything I may have told her I would be staying at home taking the time to think about things. Sorry, I know how you like your privacy and I did let Donnah know how I felt about you.
I just felt,

Kaitlin, for the first time, hung her head, taking time to think, reflecting now a deep sense of somewhere between regret and betrayal, then she continued.

…just felt that the time had come for me to figure out what it was I wanted. I was certain that the very last thing I wanted would be to lose your friendship.

I could make love to you right here right now. Your honesty is so fucking refreshing

What about your mother

What about my mother?
As a matter of fact, I don’t even care if you make noise

Oh my god, Jessica sounds like my confession turned you on. Not exactly what I was prepared for

I have never been more turned on.

Oh wow! I wish I had more things to confess to

Jessica’s mind was racing with a level of rage that was unfamiliar to her. She could feel her heart being pulled apart with razors. Her eyes were watery and while Kaitlin might have easily mistaken it for passion and love, Jessica knew its truth.
The watery eyes represented the blood pouring out of her heart. She wanted to take that razor and write her pain on Donnah’s heart.
She wanted Donnah to feel pain so hurtful; she would know what she had done.

Jessica to Kaitlin
Stand up

Kaitlin (Kaitlin did not need to be told twice
How could I say no to such an offer…

Let your panties fall to your ankles but do not take them off


Now spread your legs

Are you going to frisk me first?

I want to show you my very special appreciation for your honesty

Jessica was going to make Donnah pay. She was going to make her suffer. She was going to make her discover the very bitter sharpened jagged edge of betrayal.
Jessica maneuvered Kaitlin so that she was standing with the back of her legs firmly up against the side of the bed under which Donnah lay quietly hidden.

Jessica then got up on her knees and began massaging Kaitlin’s thighs with multiple small kisses. She would ensure that neither she nor Kaitlin would be silent. She was going to make Donnah feel every single kiss, every single touch, every single erotic taboo she would not be able to do.

Do you like that…

Yes, I love that

How about that…

Oh, god yes all of it.

Jessica moved her lips to touch the inner tender area of Kaitlin’s thighs. She grabs Kaitlin by the ass and pressured her buttocks forward forcing her pussy lips into her waiting mouth. Jessica slowly moved her tongue around the lips of Kaitlin's outer lips.

Jess… I am not going to last long…

I don’t need you to last at all, I just want you to come freely
Let me hear that you are enjoying what I am offering.

Jess, your mom is going… to… Oh my god, Jess…

Kaitlin did as she was commanded and Jessica did not disappoint. Having satisfied Kaitlin once Jessica was not done.

Oh Jessica my legs are still shaking I don’t think I can stand up any longer if you continue to do what you do

I do not intend to have you standing. Now I want you to step out of your panties and sit on the edge of the bed. Close your eyes and keep them closed

Jessica, I have never felt so much power in you, is it as if you suddenly got possessed by the Goddess of Eroticism

I feel totally fucking possessed and I want to you feel all of me.
Now open your legs wider

Kaitlin saw Jessica sitting on the floor completely naked, her legs spread wide.

Now just sit there and do not move. I am going to move to you, very slowly.

Kaitlin could hardly control her excitement as she watched Jessica move her legs, spread-eagled in between her own. Jessica continued to move closer toward Kaitlin’s groin with her face as her legs slowly disappeared beneath her bed. This time Jessica wrapped both her arms from the inside to the outside of Kaitlin’s upper legs allowing her pussy to sit right upon Jessica’s face. While Kaitlin’s legs rested on Jessica’s shoulders.

*(Jokingly responded as she watched Jessica’s exposure to the underside of the bed)
Are you not afraid of the little gremlins under your bed are going to take advantage of you?

They wish they’d be that lucky. And if they were gremlin’s this is what I would do.

Jessica then took the time to drive one more erotic spike into her gremlin’s face with her next series of instructions to Kaitlin

I had written this piece but did not have time to share it with anyone as yet so I will with you now

Oh recite for me but it had better be short

It is called

“Short ‘n Sweet”

Some days I want to forget about the roses
forget about the wine
Skipping the candlelight and dine
Some days I find myself
in this very erotic place
I just want to say to you
get out of my head
and get on my face

That is so fucking hot Jess…

Once again Kaitlin held her part of the barging as long as she could but in the end, her very last orgasm had her sliding off of Jessica’s face and down unto her waist, and there the two embraced for seeming the longest time.

The rhapsody was only broken by a call from Jess’s Mother from downstairs.

Jessica’s Mom
Jess, there are some hot sandwiches here for you guys.

Ok, Mom, we’ll be down in a bit.

Jess, I cannot go downstairs like this.

Not to worry, go into my drawer and see the box on the left. I always have a supply of new panties and bras take anything you need. Also, look over there on the right side of the closet you will see clean towels. Take one and use the bathroom at the end of the hallway then meet me downstairs, please. Throw the towel in the laundry basket inside the bathroom
I will use the bathroom in my room and come down in a minute. And about my mom's curiosity, if you can just take a quick wash up not a full shower, just to avoid unwanted conversations.

Kaitlin (Smiling)
I have all I need, I will make it quick, no weird conversations. I am going to lock your door behind me ok just in case Mom brings up food.

Thank you, good idea,

They kiss and Kaitlin locked the door behind her and was gone

Jessica (then went unto her bed, legs spread wide, slowly playfully touching herself, she calls out)
You can come out now, Donnah with an “H” you can use my bathroom.

FADE IN CUE In on Jessica’s Neighbor JERRY
Inside his kitchen looking out the window that opens to the same side as Jessica’s side door.

Jerry is holding a glass of straight shot of alcohol in his hand and a half-empty 26-ounce bottle of scotch on the kitchen counter.
While Jessica’ Mother is entertaining Kaitlin, Jessica takes the time to escort Donnah out the side door.

Jerry (Mistaking Donnah for Jessica speaking through his opened kitchen window
Goodbye Jessica.

Donnah does not answer. She disappears quickly

CUE TO Kaitlin leaving Jessica via the front door

Shortly after we see Kaitlin saying her goodbye to Jessica as she exits the front door

Once again, Jerry who had returned to his front porch upon seeing Kaitlin exiting, again mistaken her for Jessica.

Goodbye, Jessica.

Jerry then travels directly inside and inspects his half drank bottle of scotch thoroughly before emptying his glass of remaining alcohol, washing it then putting it to lay on the drying cloth. He then puts his half a bottle of scotch away in the lower cupboard and proceeds to lay in his bed, convinced that he is seeing the same people everywhere he goes.

They’re everywhere, maybe she’s been keeping her twin hidden…
Jerry falls asleep

FADE IN 7 YEARS AGO… Carrio’s Apartment in Toronto

Jamie arrived back at the apartment in absolute jubilation.


Yes, we did….ok let us prepare for the next 3 years.

Ok. They want me to start next week Monday at 8 AM

Great news here also. The doctor’s office called and I got all my approvals.

Ok so explain to me all now what happens as of Monday

Well Father Joseph will have to be informed today because he leaves tomorrow afternoon and then we are on our own

Now when he applied for my name change, we submitted all the identification of Jamie for that change.
Once that change is approved then Jamie is no more so that will take care of the immigration issue.
And I will have my new Legal Canadian Name.

I understand that but then what about me on Monday and even after Monday

Father Joseph got those documents for me to work and within a year he will have all the status documents for full residence.
So starting Monday you will be Me and I will be the new you. Both of us will have legal status to move around without any more fears.

Ok, you will have to help me get the bank payment done. They told me that my money will go directly into the bank and we can go and make the automatic payments to the doctor's office from there.

As long as you can keep the job we will both be fine. You have the brains to do well at that place. Just keep yourself under the radar, do not invite anyone here, and let us wait for our papers to become approved.
It will take some time for the healing but the doctor says I will be ok to be completely myself sooner than we will even know.

So your papers are now officially mine.


I will be Carrio who will you be.

I will become
The Blue Rose~

End of Episode 7




Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing)
The Lark

Choose Living Over Existing(CLOE)Gender Free Writer(GFW), MartialArts-Auth"The Spirit That Guides Us" "Noir AM""The Lottery" https://twitter.com/dropoutgorgeous