Forbidden Longing

Free verse poem — when love and dreams are not destined

A Shayens Abran
The Lark Publication


Poetry forbidden love
Image by Warren via Unsplash

It has been so long since we parted ways…
How are you, oh quiet girl…?
I feel that now you are no longer alone…
I pray for your eternal happiness

I am now like you too,
One heart has filled my life
I have found happiness…
But… my soul still longs for you

But, I think there is no need for you to know this craving…!
And perhaps now I’m already forgotten
But if you were to hear this love song,
Honestly, at this moment…I miss you so much!

It is not appropriate to fantasize about you,
Because we’re no longer the same as before
Our fate has taken its right
Impossible for us to be in the same path again…!

We had to let our love perish without a shore
If God doesn’t give blessings,
Let me keep all our dreams!
Let me bury all our hopes…!

I can only write poems of a vain love
And, I hope no one knows
Even though the



A Shayens Abran
The Lark Publication

3x Top Writer on Medium. Founder Be Open publication. Person with Asperger & APD. Interested in Psychology, Fiction, Poem, Love, Life, Nature