Free Range Humans in a Tax Farm

With eggs for sale

Emmanuel Lomax
The Lark Publication


By Suzi Kim on Unsplash

Battery is a crime
to be charged with it
whether through action or
deed is frowned upon
and yet…
We batter humans

In the physical and the metaphorical
I’m now talking about cages
We batter humans

Hong Kong all in one
or Japanese sleep pod
whether luxury or squalid
a cage is a cage
We batter humans

In a world of globalization
where we should be free to roam the Earth
and sail the seas
We batter humans
We batter humans
We batter humans

Free Range Humans in a Tax Farm
with eggs for sale
five thousand dollars a pop
or no deal
Homelessness rising to what
an ordeal
Every time I close my eyes
I don’t feel.

Google image search by the author



Emmanuel Lomax
The Lark Publication

Amateur writer with a love for discussion and languages. Currently learning and bettering myself. Slowly.