From This Day Forward Our Great Land Will Be Known as ‘Topia’

A dictator’s decree

Sean F Corbin
The Lark Publication


“My fellow citizens. I consider it a great honor to be entrusted by you, the citizens of Conary, as your new and duly elected prime minister. This position is the most important, and indeed the most powerful, in all of government. Despite this, we have a cherished tradition of ruling peacefully and cooperatively, and I shall continue that tradition. Even so, you elected me to institute change, improvement, and progress. With my every waking breath, this is what I will do.

We have endured heartache and despair for decades now under failed administrations, ones that have claimed to have your best interest in mind. This was a lie. They were corrupt. They were interested only in power and wealth. They were not interested in you, the people of this great land. They are criminals. It is because of this I am announcing today that many of your former illegitimate and illegal so-called leaders have been imprisoned. Unfortunately, some have killed attempting to escape or harm law enforcement officers. This lawlessness will not be tolerated. Some others are on the run, fleeing like common criminals, like animals, but rest assured they will be tracked down and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Do not sympathize with them. They have irreparably harmed us, and they deserve no mercy. I…



Sean F Corbin
The Lark Publication

What if lower case letters rebelled against Capitalist?