Ghosts of Polar Pass

Jac Harmony
The Lark Publication
2 min readSep 8, 2021

Pantoum Poem

Photo Art by Jac Harmony

“Commit to We and Us to thee,”
the Ghosts of Polar Pass did say.
“A brighter day will set you free
for helping Us get on our way.”

The Ghosts of Polar Pass did say,
“Please give Us passage on the road;
for helping Us get on our way,
we’ll impart penance that is owed.”

“Please give Us passage on the road,”
my mind began to say so clearly,
“We’ll impart penance that is owed.”
The words that I began to fear.

My mind began to say so clearly,
“A brighter day will set you free.”
The words that I began to fear —
“Commit to We and Us to thee.”

©️2021, Jac Harmony All rights reserved

A Pantoum is a French poetry form consisting of any number of rhyming quatrains containing between eight to twelve syllables in each line. The Pantoum uses line repetition as a way to add additional power to the poet's message. The rhyme scheme is as follows: A1B1A2B2, B1C1B2C2, C1D1C2D2, D1A2D2A1; where the second and fourth line of each stanza becomes the first and third line of the next stanza. The last stanza adds the third and first line of the first stanza, as the second and fourth lines of the last stanza.



Jac Harmony
The Lark Publication

Reader of beautiful words and a dreamer of creating literary art. I love to explore and try my hand at different poetry forms. Every moment is a muse!