Gratitude — A Seed That Blooms Into Joy


Indra Raj Pathak
The Lark Publication
2 min readMay 12, 2023


Photo by Miguel Bautista on Unsplash

Gratitude, a simple word that carries great weight,
A feeling of appreciation, never too late,
For all the blessings that we receive each day,
For the joys that lift us up along life’s way.

Gratitude, oh how it fills my soul,
A feeling of warmth that makes me whole,
For all the blessings I’ve been bestowed,
I am grateful, for this life I’ve sowed.

In moments of joy and times of despair,
Gratitude reminds me to stop and care,
For all the little things that make life grand,
Like the touch of a loved one’s hand.

For the sun that rises every day,
And the stars that light up the night’s way,
For the trees that breathe and the oceans that flow,
For the earth that sustains and the sky’s glow.

For friends and family, who lend an ear,
And wipe away each and every tear,
For the love that surrounds me every day,
Gratitude fills me in every way.

Gratitude, a balm for the wounded soul,
A healing salve that makes us feel whole,
For the challenges that have made us grow,
For the lessons that we’ve learned and come to know.

And in moments of doubt and uncertainty,
Gratitude gives me a sense of security,
For all that I have and all that I am,
I am grateful, for this life I’ve planned.

Gratitude, a seed that blooms into joy,
A fountain of blessings that no one can destroy,
For every breath we take, for the life we live,
For the gratitude in our hearts, the ultimate gift.

