Bad Decision — Maybe Not


Mike Vinson
The Lark Publication
2 min readMay 17, 2024


Artwork by Mike Vinson

I apologize that I carry so much hate,
I guess I'm like my father and that is a bad trait

You see the devil tempted me like he did Eve... that damn snake

I'm sorry this happened it's all my mistake
but it's just too late for me to innovate —
it's not something that I can negotiate a rate to escape my Fate —
I know it was already too late to wipe my slate —

They got me in this cage I'm grabbing the bars to shake
like I'm an irate angry ape ready to dominate or try to escape —
I'm like a damn bomb ready to detonate —
more and more the hate grows great.

I remember the siren sounds as they resonate —
this is my walk of darkness, mine alone to take —
and don't expect to see me when you reach the golden gates —

You know the deal this is real, I completely sealed my fate —
it's a mistake, I'm rotten inside no organs to donate
until they strapped me down when it's time to sedate.

I've lost my name now I'm just a number among the rest of the inmates
but I can hold my own, I ain't no lightweight.

The devil got me down right now it's checkmate.
When I'm gone you stand strong as they cremate —
my mind, my lifeline, nothing left to desecrate.

They got me in the cell to isolate
and I can't up and dissipate or perpetrate —
I'm too real for that deal for god sake.

Now they can calculate or estimate but pretty much they just perpetrate
a man like me they can't replicate —

I don't need no headstone to decorate —
slowly towards hell, I gravitate —
just another dude to terminate,
they got me under 24/7 as they alternate

You know how the devil loves to manipulate —
like my head is about to blow or obliterate.

My mind was on overdrive accelerate —
they think I’m gonna break but I don’t intimidate
even if this s*** wasn’t something I could anticipate
and now I’m angry as hell ready to burn down the town, one word eradicate.

Don’t blame yourself, Sis, this was my deal to orchestrate —
no exaggeration just aggravation that will lead to your terrible elimination.

It's not your fault, Sis, that I did this for you
he'll never force himself again on any kid or my nephew.

Now you stay strong and dry your eyes with the tissue
and you and your son know I'll always love and miss you.

-Mike Vinson



Mike Vinson
The Lark Publication

I am a Taurus who loves to write movie scripts and movie treatments. My niche is writing about famous gangsters, music lyrics and poetry!