Home Sweet Home


Summi Sinha
The Lark Publication
2 min readMar 3, 2024


Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

A lonely island, me
sat jumbled, muddled,
surrounded by a sea
of self-care chanting
newspapers, social media, magazines
splashed, flashed;
self-care, self-development, self-love, theme.

These concepts, so new to me;
‘In loving others I had loved me’,
how to segregate them?
a riddle, a puzzle, whacked my mind
a hard lesson for me to learn.

Should I join a nursery class?
teaching me, an initiation for self-care
or should I ask my rose
who loves me the most,
had shielded me, with the petals of her love
and I hope her advice, will echo my sentiment,
in loving me, she had loved herself,
so much like me, was my sweet rose!

‘Can you resolve for me, a puzzle so hard to decode?’
I asked the tender soul
Candid my rose, asked me to play the game of petals,
plucking them one by one;
until the last one left,
proclaiming, the outcome of
this extraordinary game.

So, in full faith,
I started plucking them one by one
‘I should love myself,’
‘I should love others more,’
in a rhythm, I sang,
I know the judicious rose will help me,
to arrive at a conclusion,
close to her heart and to mine too!

I kept on plucking,
until the last petal arrived
and insisted on, like everyone else did
‘love thyself’, should be the theme of life,
the rose unanimous with the world;
chorused self-love rhetoric
and I promised to adhere to the rose advice!
my soulmate , my guide

The next morning,
I promised myself a routine;
a nice shower I had,
with a dash of rosehip oil
and the fragrance of lavender
and a nice dose of moisturizer covered my skin,
looked forward, to cooking,
a wholesome meal for myself;
after that a step counting of ten thousand steps!

As I kept on planning to the minutest,
I heard my husband calling,
a list of tiny bits handed to me
and I failed to refuse!
The heart is where Home is!
and in making my home;
I had loved myself!
and the satiety was overwhelming!

I went against my rose!
and this unanimous world chanting
My heart lives at home;
let me love thy home
and in that, I love myself the most.
I walked my way,
swayed to the tune of ‘Home Sweet Home’ and decided,
to live my life the way I have lived all the way;
without any regrets, without guilt
and like a queen of hearts!



Summi Sinha
The Lark Publication

Writing is a passion for me and especially poetry, have already published two books , My Pink bougainvilleas and Wren blooms, read them and love them!