How Wishes Were Made

‘Just put your lips together and blow’

Star Love Grey
The Lark Publication


Image by Star Love Grey (Author) using Motion Leap

Seems nothing will ever be quite enough.
Plethora of plenty are lacking some stuff.
Too many have none; others too much fluff.
Nothing will change till I make some rebuff.

Pondering precisely some magic puff.
Trying this and that exhausted my duff.
I asked ‘nameless one’ in a voice so gruff;
“Any suggestions on making my dreams less tough?”

“You ask me, with no name, how to make dreams less gruff?
Endow thou a name, please, just off the cuff.”

“A name for a wish? That’s fair enough.”
“I’ll wait as you ponder; ’tis easy stuff.”

“Yes, ‘no name’; you have waited long enough.
It must be magical and full of fluff.
You’re quite dandy and like a Lion, which is a plus.
I name you ‘Dandelion’. Wishes you’ll grant with a puff on your pappus.”

“Are you sure? Is this real? Puff my pappus?”
“Yes, Dandelion, I wouldn’t give you guff.
You and your name will become historical stuff.
Puff your pappus and wishes will fly from that stuff.”

Dandelions don’t tell no lies… — Mick Jagger

My deepest gratitude to Denise Larkin, Editor of The Lark for honoring me as a Writer for her lovely publication.



Star Love Grey
The Lark Publication

I am the opened Pandora’s Box. Actress/Singer/Dancer, Writer, Poet. I’ll write any genre if it holds still long enough. Other boring stuff, but I’ll run out of