I Don’t Believe in Destiny

Lokesh Bisht
The Lark Publication
2 min readAug 8, 2021
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I don’t think
we have any special place
in the universe.

I don’t think
we are born to fulfill any purpose,
other than continuing the existence of our species
and our birth is just another move
in life’s quest for survival.

The universe did not cherish our arrival,
nor will it mourn our death…

I think the universe
is as ignorant of our existence
as we are of ants and moths.

I believe everything happens for a reason,
but not because it was meant to happen,
but because molecules and chemicals and organisms
interacted in a specific way for it to happen.

I don’t believe in destiny, fate or luck.
I don’t think
we are meant to do great things,
or we are born
to change how the world works.

And I think it's liberating…

It's liberating to know
that we don’t have any specific reason for existing.

It's liberating to know
that we have no purpose to fulfill.

I think it’s liberating to know
that there is nothing expected from us…

Because then, we can define our own purpose
and we can write our own destiny.

Because then, we can do anything and we can be anything…



Lokesh Bisht
The Lark Publication

Software Engineer. Competitive Programmer. Love doing parkour and calisthenics.