I Know I Have to Wait

A letter to my unknown lady love

Shuvranil Sanyal
The Lark Publication


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

To my beloved unknown,

Something strange is happening to me: I feel drawn to the sky these days, even when it's bright outside. Even though the sun is very bright, my eyes don't focus on it. Instead, they look for the tiniest bits of light that dare to stay. It's because of you.

It's a strange and beautiful magic to look forward to meeting you, a woman I haven't yet met, a name I haven't learned, and a smile I haven't seen. As long as your voice isn't there, it fills the space between us with a quiet hum.

When you look at the stars during the day you can feel calm. They always remind you that they're there, waiting for the right time to shine, even if you can't see them. You, too, are a celestial being, a lighthouse I haven't seen with my own eyes yet. It's a metaphor I hold close. I know you're out there, somewhere in this huge universe, though, and that gives my days a soft, steady light.

I'm aware, the wait might make me less patient but there's something sweet about this waiting, a longing that keeps me going. All because you stand for possibility, the world seems brighter and the colors more vivid.

Maybe, you too look up at the stars and hear a conversation going on in the sky. Like me, you might find comfort, in the fact, that they don't change, knowing that some things will always be true, even if you can't see them.

I haven't yet met you. But I'm writing this letter, in the hopes, that one day our paths will cross under the same sky, and we'll find in each other the missing stars that make our universe whole.

I'll keep looking until then—during the day for the promise of stars and at night for the woman who makes the wait feel like a kind of wonder.

This is yours with hopeful anticipation,

The Sky Watcher.



Shuvranil Sanyal
The Lark Publication

Blogger | Artistic Photographer | PhD Student I Poetic Storyteller