I Never Miss

On my way to school — A flash from my memory track


Photo by Parastoo Maleki on Unsplash

Trying every bush for a butterfly,
On my way to school every day!
Pinning the Sun to my hasty plans,
I always hurried to be on time!

Adorable gardens I left behind
With a sleepy cat as still as a statue
Those pretty blooms smiling wild
I used to envy their casual dawns!

The muddy water of the brook
A brisk squirrel running down
Hairy dogs pulling their masters
Stole my attention without fail!

Loaded trucks rushing by
Honking buses parading on
Glazing cars with happy people
Had their busy schedule as I did!

Days are alike but the challenges
I never miss perceiving them all!



Subashini Nachimuthu
The Lark Publication

English teacher | Loves nature, travelling, poetry | Studied literature | Big fan of Jane Austen novels | GmailID: nsubashini.15@gmail.com.