If You Dare To Enter

You may never escape

Izzibella Beau
The Lark
7 min readOct 27, 2023


Photo from Pixabay

The autumn wind whispered through the trees, carrying with it a chilling promise of Halloween night. The small town of Ravenswood had always been a peaceful, unassuming place. But as the sun dipped below the horizon, a sinister undercurrent ran through the streets, setting the stage for a horror that would grip the hearts of a group of unsuspecting teenagers.

Tessa, the ringleader of the teenage gang, had planned Halloween night with meticulous precision. The abandoned, dilapidated mansion at the edge of town was to be their haunted adventure. It loomed like a ghost in the darkness, windows boarded, ivy clinging to its decrepit walls. It was said to be cursed, but Tessa was undaunted. She was determined to prove the legends wrong and turn this night into a legendary tale of bravery.

Her friends, Emma, Jake, and Ryan, gathered on the outskirts of town. They were armed with flashlights, glow sticks, and the kind of courage only teenagers possess. The air was filled with the smell of damp earth and the crackling of leaves underfoot as they walked toward the mansion.

The moon cast eerie shadows, and the teenagers felt the weight of the night settle upon them. As they approached the mansion, Tessa halted, her flashlight trembling in her hand. The creak of a floorboard from inside the dark mansion had sent shivers down her spine.

Ryan nudged her.

"Are you sure about this, Tess?”

Tessa’s resolve returned.

“Of course, we’re sure. We’re here for a Halloween adventure, remember?”

The teenagers cautiously pushed open the creaking front door, its rusty hinges moaning in protest. Inside, the mansion was cloaked in darkness, its interior barely visible in the dim light of their flashlights. Shadows danced in the corners, and the silence was thick with an unspoken dread.

As they explored the mansion, its decaying elegance began to emerge. Dust-covered chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and moth-eaten tapestries clung to the walls. Emma couldn’t resist touching one, and it crumbled to dust in her hand, leaving her with an uneasy feeling.

“Let’s split up and meet back here in half an hour,” Tessa suggested, her adventurous spirit getting the better of her.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Jake asked, his voice wavering.

Tessa didn’t respond, disappearing down a dark corridor, her flashlight beam shrinking until it was swallowed by the darkness.

Emma and Ryan ventured upstairs, their footsteps echoing on the rickety staircase. They entered a room that seemed almost untouched by time. A canopy bed, draped in dusty lace, dominated the room. Emma ran her fingers across the ancient bedspread and shivered.

Ryan’s flashlight landed on an old, ornate mirror. The reflection that stared back at them was a horror beyond imagination. Their faces were distorted, their eyes black voids, and their mouths gaping wide, like the twisted visages of ghouls. The flashlight slipped from Ryan’s trembling hand, and they bolted from the room, their screams echoing through the mansion.

Tessa, exploring the basement, found a room filled with dusty, cobweb-covered jars. Curiosity got the better of her, and she pried the lid off one. Inside, she discovered something that left her frozen in terror. A shriveled, grotesque hand floated in a thick, murky liquid.

As she turned to leave, a sound reached her ears—a chilling whisper that seemed to come from the very walls of the mansion. “Leave now, or he will find you.”

Tessa stumbled back, heart pounding, and fled the basement, desperately searching for her friends. She found them huddled in the hallway, their faces pale and their eyes wide with fear. They shared their own eerie experiences, from the haunted mirror to strange, disembodied voices.

The atmosphere in the mansion had shifted from a mere haunted adventure to something far more sinister. Their desire for a Halloween thrill had been replaced by a primal need to escape. They made their way toward the front door, but it had been closed, locked from the outside.

Panic set in as they realized they were trapped inside the mansion. They pounded on the door, shouting for help, but the only response was the hollow echoes of their own voices. Tessa’s phone had no signal, and the windows were unbreakable as if the mansion itself held them captive.

As the minutes turned into hours, their fear deepened. They had become prey to an entity that was inexplicable, malevolent, and unseen. It was as though the very fabric of the mansion had come alive, its darkness closing in on them. The walls seemed to whisper, taunt, and threaten, and they huddled together, trying to ward off the fear that threatened to consume them.

The minutes dragged on like hours as the teenagers huddled together in the dimly lit corridor. Tessa’s voice trembled as she tried to reassure her friends, “We can’t stay here. We have to find another way out.”

With their flashlights and glow sticks in hand, they ventured deeper into the mansion, searching for an alternate exit. The demonic presence seemed to grow stronger, its grip on their collective psyche tightening. Muffled whispers filled the air, and eerie laughter echoed through the haunted halls, driving them to the brink of madness.

They stumbled upon a room with a massive, ornate wardrobe that appeared to be untouched by the ravages of time. Pushing open its heavy doors, they were met with a sight that sent a chill down their spines. The wardrobe was a portal to another world, a dark forest with gnarled trees and eerie, glowing eyes that peered out from the shadows.

Ryan, in a fit of desperation, grabbed Tessa’s arm, pulling her back from the portal.

“We can’t go in there,” he warned. “Who knows what’s on the other side?”

With the forest portal discarded as a way out, they continued their search. The mansion seemed to have no end, its layout was constantly shifting, leading them in circles. Shadows cast by their flashlights danced on the walls, and strange, twisted apparitions appeared at the corner of their vision, vanishing when they turned to face them.

Finally, they stumbled upon an old library, its shelves filled with ancient books and manuscripts. The atmosphere in the room was heavy with malevolence. As they sifted through the books, they uncovered a gruesome history of the mansion. It was once the home of a wealthy recluse who dabbled in dark magic and alchemy, conducting horrifying experiments in an attempt to achieve immortality.

Tessa’s voice quivered as she read aloud, “It is said that the mansion absorbed the dark energy from those experiments, and the entity that haunts these halls is the result of the countless souls trapped within its cursed walls.”

Jake stared at the manuscripts, a sick realization washing over him.

“We’re not alone in here, are we?”

The answer came swiftly in the form of a bone-chilling whisper that echoed throughout the room. “You trespassed in my domain. You shall never leave.”

The room darkened as the lights flickered and died. The teenagers huddled in the pitch-black room, their flashlights no longer working. They were engulfed by the dark presence of an entity that seemed to consume their very souls.

The dark, shifting walls of the mansion closed in around them, and they could hear the laughter of the evil spirit growing louder, taunting them from the shadows. Desperation overwhelmed them, and they knew they had to escape the mansion’s grasp.

With trembling hands, they lit the glow sticks, casting an eerie, otherworldly light throughout the room. It revealed something that left them paralyzed with fear. The walls of the library were lined with jars similar to the one Tessa had discovered in the basement, each containing a withered, grotesque hand, severed from a hapless victim.

Tessa’s voice cracked as she whispered, “We need to find a way out of here, now.”

As they cautiously ventured deeper into the darkness, they came across an old, decrepit piano. Without warning, the keys began to play a haunting melody, depressed by an invisible hand. The teenagers stumbled backward, their hearts pounding as the ghostly tune filled the air.

“We have to break free,” Tessa declared, her voice quivering. “We can’t let this place consume us.”

With renewed determination, they made their way through the labyrinthine halls, their glow sticks casting an eerie, wavering light. But the presence was relentless, and it seemed to take perverse pleasure in toying with them. Whispers and spectral apparitions dogged their every step.

As the night wore on, their hope dwindled, and the line between the living and the dead blurred. The mansion itself seemed to have become an entity, a powerful force intent on keeping them imprisoned forever.

Their screams for help for escape were met with only silence, the mansion’s walls absorbing their cries. They were stalked by an invisible horror, a relentless presence determined to make them a permanent part of its cursed domain.

The Halloween night that had started as a daring adventure had turned into a nightmare from which they might never awaken. The darkness had claimed them, and they remained lost in the haunted, cursed mansion, their fates intertwined with the spirit that had become their relentless stalker.

As Halloween dawned on a world unaware of their plight, the cursed mansion of Ravenswood continued to stand, concealing its chilling secrets from the world outside.



Izzibella Beau
The Lark

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond