I’m A Sinner

by G

Gustave Deresse
The Lark Publication
2 min readAug 10, 2022


A Forest Fire Reflecting In The Lake | Image Created by Author in NCStudio
Note: Author deeply appreciates the writings of 
Tabula Rasa.

I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking, looking things up, getting distracted in other tabs, eating, drinking water, smoking more weed, realizing I haven’t read Tabula Rasa in a while, and being pesky by tagging her in the process, which isn’t the coolest thing to do, especially considering I could just open up a new tab and read her this instant, a thing I might not intend to do, which is made even worse by the fact I haven’t been pooling my resources to generate digital illustrations of bears, geese, moose, and other animals of possibly similar variation in pluralization settings, something I intended before I got carried away creating some weird ass shit, some of questionable symbolism, now that I think of it, with the burning trees and all, altogether leading me to feel I should have focused on learning how to draw using my own two hands instead, with real-life tools, such as pencils, pens, erasers, compasses — compi ? — and other materials as understood by diverse artists around the globe, not that I’m entirely sure what that means, as between the definitions of matter, location, and understanding, I feel nothing can be known, not within the terms of reality, where we assume to live, whether as

