In Between

Flash fiction

Anthony Rice
The Lark
2 min readMar 17, 2024


DALL·E 2 artificial intelligence via Wikimedia Commons — Public Domain

There you are, I can see you now, shining bright. I’ve been waiting for you as promised. Can you take my hand? How are you feeling? OK? Good. Can you move towards me just a bit more? Yes, away from the pain, towards the light. There you go, you are out! Just relax, deep breaths, Yes! You are doing really well but slow down, so many questions! I’ll answer them as I can, but for now…. okay for now, I’ll just hold you.

Timeless, clear, warm, safe. Just being. And Oh My, the love! Almost unbearably beautiful, I can’t stop crying as a lifetime’s worth of pain is gently unwound and lifted from me. Unburdened, we float in the cosmos. Together. Aware. Infinite.

And then….

It is time. How are you feeling? Good. How long have you been here? Well it doesn’t quite work the same here, when flows where it needs to, there is only now. Well… there is no here either, we are in between everywhere.

Take my hand and close your eyes, now is your time and we have somewhere to be. Okay, we are nearly there. Slowly, I know you are ready but take your time, the door is not yet open. Ahh, yes now come with me, up a little bit here, come through here. Don’t worry, I’m not leaving you alone, look for me and I’ll be there. Always. There is something you must do this time and I’m here to help, you just have to ask, and yes, I’ll be waiting for you. Now go. Open your eyes.

“It’s a girl! We have a beautiful baby girl!”



Anthony Rice
The Lark

Insect ecologist (PhD), carbon farmer, integrated pest management (IPM) consultant and edumacator. Cracking myself up.