It’s My Perspective

Poetry prompt day 16

Colleen Millsteed
The Lark Publication
1 min readJul 7, 2021


It’s My Perspective, Poetry prompt day 16. A poem by Colleen Millsteed
Photo by Kelly-Ann Tan on Unsplash

This poem has been written as part of ’s poetry challenge. Thank you, Sahil for the invite.

Today’s prompt is: Write about when you had a completely different perspective on life.

My thoughts have consequences
They affect my mood at the time,
It’s dependent on my perspective
I can have a good day by design.

Give it a try, as I think you’ll find
Positivity need positive thoughts,
Negativity from negative thoughts
It’s your thinking that’s the source.

Over many years I started to learn
I believed it was luck, bad or good,
Then I realized it’s my perspective
And my life thrived as I understood.

I’ve experienced the odd bad day
In the past I’ve felt paralyzed,
Then looking back in hindsight
They were a blessing in disguise.



Colleen Millsteed
The Lark Publication

Top Writer in Poetry. I’m a Finance Manager with a love of both numbers and words.