It’s Too Late

A conversation — fiction

The Lark Publication


Photo by Nicole Geri on Unsplash

He: You were crying.

She: yeah that’s right.

He: You were missing me.

She: yeah that’s right too.

He: You wanted me back,

She: yeah I know that.

He: You used to say, you love me.

She: yeah and also I meant that.

He: I’m sorry.

She: I had already forgiven you.

He: But I never said SORRY.

She: Don’t worry.

He: Are you fine?

She: I’m great.

He: Now, I’m back.

She: What do you mean by that?

He: Hold me back.

She: Now you can go back.

He: I know I was wrong and I’m sorry for that.

She: You are late. I had already gone.

He: Trying to stop her.

He opens his eyes and realized it was a dream…



The Lark Publication

You can judge me based on my writing but I will not stop writing. I believe in myself✨