June Morning

Free verse

Sean Jones
The Lark Publication
Jun 30, 2021


Summer reaches her light-laden fingers
through the window, gently prying
my eyelids apart. She reaches in, stoking
the flame beneath the boiler driving thought.

I turn to the wall, hoping reflected darkness
will quench the flame. But the damage has
been done. Thoughts of undone chores
and potentialities flood my brain.

Half an hour becomes three-quarters. Then an
hour has passed. The early riser disregards my need
for eight hours rest and my tardiness in retiring
the night before. She has defeated me in my fight

to sleep. I rise, prepare for the day,
knowing the devastation
she has wrought by lighting my room
at five fifteen in the morning.



Sean Jones
The Lark Publication

I’m a retired Soldier, linguist, and father of a disabled child and husband of a disabled wife. I have an MBA from the University of Maryland