Killing the Intruder

A poem

Tom Kane
The Lark Publication


I’d planned his death for quite some time, before that fateful day,
his presence filled me with such hate, I could not look his way.
Killing never crossed my mind, I don’t like guns or knives,
until he came, with his evil game, and blighted all our lives.

He came into my house one night, I never heard a sound,
and carried out his dreadful deed, but left his mark behind.
Now I had sworn to break his neck, despite pleas from my wife,
Hatred-driven, no quarter given, I took his worthless life.

I’ve never liked his secretive type, his modus operandi,
they always sneak into your house and steal whatever’s handy.
I cannot stand to see them run, at night around my house,
So I’m the chap who set the trap that killed that little mouse.



Tom Kane
The Lark Publication

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium