
I wanna stop being lazy — poetry

The Lark Publication


I wanna stop procrastinating
I wanna go
I wanna start
I wanna continue
I wanna do everything
I wanna climb the mountain
I wanna swim in the ocean
I wanna walk on the street
I wanna chill on the hill
I wanna keep moving, keep doing
I don’t wanna stop
My dreams are weird but I wanna achieve them
But when it comes to act, I fall in love with my bed
I’m lazy and I hate it, I love it
I wanna stop being lazy
I wanna act …

I think we are all lazy up to some level. Some people are lazier and some are less lazy. We love to be lazy and also hate it at the same time. So I wanna stop being lazy.

How lazy are you?

Sahil Patel



The Lark Publication

You can judge me based on my writing but I will not stop writing. I believe in myself✨