
A poem about lemons

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)
The Lark Publication
2 min readSep 17, 2020


Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

A poem about lemons and how healthy they can be if you incorporate them in your daily diet especially as we need to be healthy during a pandemic.

A lemon a day
Keeps the colds away
So they say
But why is it so?

Lemons are high
In vitamin C
An undisputed defender
Against viral infections
Against immune system weaknesses
Lemons are what we need
To seed the deed.

A lemon a day
Keeps the doctor

Why is it so?
You may ask.

Lemon in your water
Lemon on your food
Have it every day
To keep the weariness
Far far away.

Photo by Francesca Hotchin on Unsplash

Buy some lemons
Juice them
And add them to your tea
Taste its bitterness
Even if you hate it
And denounce it.



Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)
The Lark Publication

Mastodon: @dlarkin121@me.dm An author/writer of fiction novels and poetry living in London writing about her experiences on Medium. dlarkin121@gmail.com