
Maybe having longer ears would help us listen better

Photo taken by the author during her early morning run through Ancil Hoffman Park. July 20, 2021

Running at sunrise with serenity
somersaults my soul and
unspools the tangles of my being
to match my stride on the soft trails.

Running at sunrise with joy
brings me closer to nature
and all the marvelous creatures
that hop around the bristle brush.

Running at sunrise with hope
I see the jackrabbits’ lean and long ears
and, as I dust off my eyes, I realize
that I must dust off my ears, too.

@Carmen Micsa. All rights Reserved.



Carmen Micsa, MA in English, podcaster
The Lark Publication

Top writer in Ideas & Food. Mother, BA/MA in English, published author, poet, real estate broker/CEO, marathoner, & avid reader. Author of The Morsels of Love.