Lonely — Surprised


Mike Vinson
The Lark


Artwork by Mike Vinson

I walked into the room
the air felt thick sadness and gloom

drained of their souls, leaving dread and doom

this was a place where nothing would grow or no flower would bloom

it's like time stood still and everyone there is like a ghost or freshly exhumed

This was no place to spend your last days
it seemed more like a tomb

as if everyone here was stuck forever or somehow marooned

Everyone there with their visitors I guess family and Friends

they were there but you could tell they did not want to attend
they visit out of guilt hoping not to offend

secretly wishing to unburden themselves of their loved ones passing on to transcend

There in the corner sitting alone in an old wheelchair

was the person I was here to see and even I wished to be elsewhere

The nurse said I was the first visitor he ever had in the time that she worked here

she said we resembled each other and asked the reason that I was there

wondering of my relationship with the old man in the old wheelchair



Mike Vinson
The Lark

I am a Taurus who loves to write movie scripts and movie treatments. My niche is writing about famous gangsters, music lyrics and poetry!