Lost in the Echoing Abyss

A descent into the unknown

Sannan A.
The Lark Publication
3 min readSep 9, 2023


Photo by Sharath Kumar Hari on Unsplash

The scene outside my window unfolded like a nightmare, familiarity distorted, reality contorted into something unsettlingly foreign. Streets and houses I had known so well were replaced by a desolate expanse, a wasteland that clawed at my sense of belonging.

Gone were the warm hues of daylight, instead, a sickly orange sky cast an eerie glow. The air was choked by a thick fog, relentless in its embrace, devouring the world around me.

Questions raced through my mind like a storm.

“Had I gone mad? Was this some grim illusion that my mind had woven?”

But the racing of my heart was evidence that this was all too real.

With trepidation, I stepped into the unknown, venturing into the surreal landscape that now stood as my reality. The sense of isolation was overwhelming.

“Where were the people? The bustling life that once filled these streets?” I mused, my voice a mere whisper in the silence.

Every footfall seemed to echo like a distant cry, a reminder of the solitude that had consumed my world. Fear clung to me, a constant companion as I tread through this twisted realm.

Photo by Randy Jacob on Unsplash

The ground beneath my feet crunched like brittle bones, a chilling reminder of the desolation that had replaced the familiar. My eyes searched for signs of life, for a shred of normalcy in this nightmarish panorama.

And then, like a cruel jest of fate, I began to notice the details. A gnarled tree that, despite its distortion, bore a semblance of the past. The curve of a street that, despite its contorted form, seemed oddly reminiscent.

It was as if my neighborhood, my haven, had been subjected to a sinister metamorphosis. The landmarks of my memories, twisted into macabre parodies of themselves, haunted my every step.

A realization washed over me, an understanding that the world I had known was unraveling, a reality warped beyond recognition. It was a place both known and alien, a labyrinth of echoes that whispered tales of what once was.

The urgency to escape this nightmarish vortex intensified. I was trapped, ensnared within the tendrils of this malevolent distortion. The fog seemed to thicken with each heartbeat, threatening to swallow me whole.

Photo by Alexey Demidov on Pexels

“This is not the end,” I reminded myself. “There has to be a way out, a path that leads back to the world I once knew.”

And so, amidst the shroud of fog and the cacophony of echoing thoughts, I embarked on a journey; a journey to reclaim the reality that had been torn asunder, to defy the twisted tapestry that sought to ensnare me.



Sannan A.
The Lark Publication

College Student | Likes to Write Fiction & Non-Fiction | Night Writer