Poetry prompt

Memory Eraser

Poetry prompt day 28

Sahil Patel
The Lark Publication


Photo Credit:- Nora Topicals on Unsplash

I hope that I have magic,
Button who works like an eraser.
An eraser that erases all my bad memories,
Bad experiences,
Bad habits,
And all that I don't want in my life,
But they are still there,
To make my life hell.
I hope that it's easy to forget things,
That no longer makes me happy,
That bothers me lifelong.
Past memories that haunt me,
And don't want me to sleep.
Life is short,
So I don't want to remember things that aren't worthwhile.
Memory should make us happy,
So we can create more good ones.

First of all, I want to apologize for being so late with my prompts. I was seeking sometimes. Therefore, I wasn't much activity on the platform. Still, I tried to read my fellow authors.

I hope you all will understand. We just have two prompts left. So, here I am with another.

Good memories make a good life when bad memories leave a scratch on life.

I always wish that life has some magic so we can be able to forget what we want. Unfortunately, we don't have any special powers.

Today's prompt is " Write a poem about a memory that you want to erase from your life".

I hope you will like the prompt. I would like to invite Carolyn F. Chryst, Ph.D. Carolyn Hastings Anthi Psomiadou Dan J Jenine Bsharah Baines Kimberly Hampton Nilsson Josh Balerite Acol Colleen Millstead Giulietta Passarelli

I am always grateful to all of you for all your support and kind gesture. Thanks a lot for believing in me and my prompts.

