My Favorite Place to Write

The ramblings from a sleep-deprived poet

A. N. Tipton
The Lark Publication


Image by A. N. Tipton from Pixabay

My favorite place to write,
is amongst the trees,
great lumbering giants
whispering their secrets
in the language
of absorbed silence.
I hear them,
not in words and language,
but in the peace
of their
magical presence,
lending to the
of words.

Image taken by author

My favorite place to write,
is in a red velveteen chair,
price swapped by the
previous reluctant owner
from a thrift shop
a couple decades ago.
The springs are poking through,
a little threadbare,
a small tear here and there,
but the red chair
has absorbed
all the energy of
my words
escaping the confines
of my soul.



A. N. Tipton
The Lark Publication

I am a Writer, a Lover of Books, a Mother & an Usui Reiki Master who loves to read & write & all things Universal. Words move me, inform me, inspire me.