My Kind of Guy


The Lark Publication
May 28, 2021


Photo by Ben Weber on Unsplash

I like the kind of guys,
Who are really nice,
Specs all full-rimmed,
Beard neatly trimmed,
Hair all ruffled,
Coupled with freckles,
Kill me with his humor,
Save me with his smile,
Jam with me on 90s band songs,
And singing them all wrong,
Never bore me with his imaginative stories,
Or be a couch potato who binge-watch series,
Total bibliophile and a movie geek,
A little crazy and pure mystique,
Always up for long walks,
Would converse in meaningful talks,
Naah, this seems all too much,
Just bring me Chandler, it is all I want!



The Lark Publication

Engineer, poetess, dreamer and a human. I say nonsensical things and mean it sometimes.