Everyone tells me

My Life in the Company of Beer and Lace

Is too long for a title


Photo by collaboration between Unsplash and Geddy images

Everyone tells me
my opening title Is much too long and will not stand
but I simply respond
I’m in my glory with

My Life In The Company Of Beer And Lace

My Queen standing higher than any ace
Bare feet or flat on her face
Indoors or out
She is just as comfortable
being gifted with love and adore
challenged with the responsibility
as the guardian at
the door of ecstasy

For many years I’ve been locked away
from my
Beer and Lace
Life seemed such a painful waste
Having spent time wallowing
in tears up to my waist
So many lost years
confined to my imagination

But today is that change
I just got out

after years of being locked in
no light
just one endless night

I just got out
smelling for the first time in an eternity
fresh air
birds singing with flair
walking of my own free will

I just got out
I could just jump and yes shout
hearing the sounds of the many things
long blocked
My soul extending open arms
ready to embrace opportunity
love, even the pain of disappointment

I just got out
realizing, for the first time
the grass is green
the sky is blue
the river runs right on through
never having to stop at the gate
no one there to interrogate
I am free
I can do whatever I want
I can go or stay

I finally got out




Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing)
The Lark

Choose Living Over Existing(CLOE)Gender Free Writer(GFW), MartialArts-Auth"The Spirit That Guides Us" "Noir AM""The Lottery" https://twitter.com/dropoutgorgeous