Nobody Knows

Poetry prompt day 21

Sahil Patel
The Lark Publication
3 min readJul 24, 2021


Photo Credit:- By Chris Ainsworth On Unsplash

Nobody knows,
The real me,
My real soul,
Because everyone is busy judging.

Nobody knows,
Who I am,
And what I want,
Because everyone is busy giving advice.

Nobody knows,
Why I am like this,
What is the reason that made me who I am,
Because everyone doesn't know what I’ve gone through.

Nobody knows,
That deep inside,
I am broken,
Because everyone only sees my happiness and doesn't see the cracks.

Nobody knows,
That I need,
My loved one's times,
Because everyone thinks I have everything.

Nobody knows,
That I am an emotional one,
So handle me with care,
Because it will make me strong.

In life, there are so many things about ourselves that others don't know. People judge you based on the things and information they have. They never know you from the deep side.

I believe we should never judge a person if we don't know him or her completely because we never know anyone's journey.

I know you have things that you never told anyone because everyone has some secrets. So, here is the chance to let your secrets out in your poems. It's time to make yourself burden-free and write about it.

Let the people know about you more. So, they don't dare to judge you. I know everyone is perfect in their own life. So, why do some people try to give advice to others?

Don't listen to anyone, and write like you are the only one.

Today's prompt is:

Write a poem about the things that no one knows about you

I hope you all have so many things to say on this topic. This challenge is about to end. I hope you all are enjoying it.

I would like to invite Orla Kenny | Kimberly Hampton Nilsson | Carolyn F. Chryst, Ph.D. |Giulietta Passarelli | Colleen Millsteed | Dr. Fatima Imam | Melanie J. | Jupiter Grant | Josh Balerite Acol | Joel A. Johnson | Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) | jenine bsharah baines |Anthi Psomiadou | John Uzuegbu |K.Kumar

Last but not least, on my last prompt, I got a response from Carolyn Hastings that her son has been involved in a major accident. I am sorry to hear that news. By the way, that lady was an angel for your son. Please take care of yourself and your family. I really appreciate that in those times of hardships you took the time and read my work. I can’t be more grateful to you.

Thanks a lot for being there and don't take stress if you won't be able to write, now. These prompts will be there for you, so you can have time to get back to it later.

I hope you all will be okay soon. Wishing you all happiness and prosperity.

